December 2022

If you are looking for a traditional Carol Service in a beautiful old church, then look no further! You are warmly invited to come to any of our services over Christmas and enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus through readings and carols (and puppetry at the Crib Service!).

Sponsored Bible reading

2021 is the 60th anniversary of the publishing of The New English Bible New Testament. This translation was the first to render the scriptures into contemporary English and to depart from the traditional linguistic style of the Authorized Version . Over the years the translation has come to be regarded as a classic text and it became a best-seller in many countries around the world.

On Saturday 19th June we are holding a Bible Reading Event in church to celebrate this amazing book and raise money for church funds. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. a rota of people will read through the New Testament. Do come along to listen. Refreshments will be available